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Highlight words and phrases within specified elements on the page. Search syntax is trimmed or eradicated, stopwords and words less than 3 characters  are ignored.


You will need:

   2: /*
   3:     methods to help highlight search words and terms 
   4:     depends on jquery
   5:     Peter Tyrrell, August 2009
   6: */
   8: // 
   9: var highlightTermsIn = function(jQueryElements, terms) {
  10:     var wrapper = ">$1<b style='font-weight:normal;color:#000;background-color:rgb(255,255,102)'>$2</b>$3<";
  11:     for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
  12:         var regex = new RegExp(">([^<]*)?("+terms[i]+")([^>]*)?<","ig");
  13:         jQueryElements.each(function(i) {
  14:             $(this).html($(this).html().replace(regex, wrapper));
  15:         }); 
  16:     };
  17: }
  19: // returns array of unique search terms (words, phrases) found in value        
  20: var parseSearchTerms = function(value) {
  22:     // split string on spaces and respect double quoted phrases
  23:     var splitRegex = /(\u0022[^\u0022]*\u0022)|([^\u0022\s]+(\s|$))/g;
  24:     var rawTerms = value.match(splitRegex);
  26:     var terms = [];            
  27:     for (var i = 0; i < rawTerms.length; i++) {
  29:         // trim whitespace, quotes, apostrophes and query syntax special chars
  30:         var term = rawTerms[i].replace(/^[\s\u0022\u0027+-][\s\u0022\u0027+-]*/, '').replace(/[\s*~\u0022\u0027][\s*~\u0022\u0027]*$/, '').toLowerCase();
  32:         // ignore if <= 2 chars
  33:         if (term.length <= 2) {
  34:             continue;
  35:         }
  37:         // ignore stopwords
  38:         var stopwords = ["about","are","from","how","that","the","this","was","what","when","where","who","will","with","the"];
  39:         var isStopword = false;
  40:         for (var j = 0; j < stopwords.length; j++) {
  41:             if (term == stopwords[j]) {
  42:                 isStopword = true;
  43:                 break;
  44:             }
  45:         }
  46:         if (isStopword === true) {
  47:             continue;
  48:         }
  50:         // add term to term list
  51:         terms[terms.length] = term;
  52:     }
  53:     return terms;
  54: }

Example 1

Pass an array of terms to be highlighted in jquery-selected elements:

   1: <script type="text/javascript">
   2:     $(document).ready(function() {
   3:         var searchTerms = ["banana", "monkey"];
   4:         // highlight valid terms in search results          
   5:         highlightTermsIn($("#HighlightWrapper"), searchTerms);        
   6:     });
   7: </script>

Example 2

Parse raw search input to strip out stopwords, query syntax characters, and wee short words less than 3 characters that do nobody any good. Quoted phrases are treated as a single term.

   1: <script type="text/javascript">
   2:     var rawSearch = "give the banana* to a monkey";
   3:     var termsToHighlight = parseSearchTerms(rawSearch);
   4:     // termsToHighlight now = ["give", "banana", "monkey"]
   5: </script>

Example 3

Put it all together to retrieve raw search input from the query string, parse out terms to highlight, and highlight within specified containers.

   1: <script type="text/javascript">
   2:     $(document).ready(function() {
   3:         // get quick search value from query string
   4:         var quickSearch = $.query.get("q");
   5:         // highlight valid terms in divs marked class="HighlightWrapper"        
   6:         highlightTermsIn($("div.HighlightWrapper"), parseSearchTerms(quickSearch));
   7:     });     
   8: </script>



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