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In their latest newsletter, Inmagic reseller Maxus of Australia reports on a client developing an export from Inmagic Genie to the EndNote bibliographic citation software.  This is using the new functionality to add extra reports to the InfoCart which was introduced in service pack 1 for Genie version 3.3.

“Many Inmagic textbases contain bibliographic records for items that users wish to cite when preparing conference papers or other reports. EndNote is one of the citation tools that is widely used forWHV screenshot this purpose and we have often been asked whether it is possible to transfer data from Inmagic textbases into EndNote. Until recently the only way we were aware of to do this was to export a comma delimited file of the required records, that EndNote could import.

However, when Jenny Ward, Information Officer at Women’s Health Victoria asked about users being able to do this from the WHV Genie Catalogue recently, we realised that a new approach was required. In her training on the use of EndNote, Jenny learned that one of the EndNote import formats could be readily reproduced as a Genie report, so she went ahead and designed exactly that report.

We were then able to add the report as an option in the Genie InfoCart activity list. Users can now search in Genie, save the required records into the Cart, then use the Cart to list the items in a report from which the set of citations can be copied into a text file and imported into EndNote. It’s a neat solution.

See it in action in the WHV catalogue at

After searching for some items, click “Add to Cart” for one or two, then click the Cart link to open the Cart.  Select Plain Text Tagged in the drop down list, then click Go to see the resulting page, from which records can be saved.”

Please contact us if you need consulting assistance to add extra reports such as this to your Inmagic Genie implementation.


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