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Disclaimer: Not officially supported. Plunging heedlessly on...

1 - Back up INI files

First back up all your .ini files. Be sure you are getting the CORRECT copy of the ini file: the ini files in the Program Files directory are access-protected in Vista and Win7 because the Program Files area is a forbidden zone. You must open the ini file with elevated privileges, like with Notepad "run as administrator", and save it somewhere safe.

  • dbtwpub.ini
  • inmagic.ini
  • dbtext.ini

2 - Upgrade from previous version

If you want to upgrade from previous version of WPP instead installing a fresh copy, uninstall the previous version MANUALLY first, because the WPP 12 installer tries to uninstall without elevated permission, and thus fails.

3 - Run installer as admin

Run the WPP 12 installer with administrator privileges. If you have a setup.exe you can right-click to "run as administrator".

My preview version of the installer is an *.msi file only, which doesn't have a right-click "run as admin" option. Instead, I launch the msi with msiexec from an elevated command prompt:

  1. Search for "cmd.exe" from Windows Start Menu
  2. Right-click cmd.exe and "run as administrator"
  3. Change directory to location of the msi, e.g. cd c:\users\ptyrrell\downloads
  4. Run the msi with the msiexec /i option, e.g. msiexec /i "Inmagic DBText WebPublisher PRO.msi"

4 - Fulfill prerequisites

The installer is cleverer than previous versions when checking for prerequisites, so you'll probably have to go and install or enable various Windows features before continuing.


IIS 6 Compatibility (IIS7 only) seems to be satisfied by enabling the "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility" Windows feature.


Be warned: if you don't run the installer with elevated privileges, you will continue to fail the prerequisite check even after installing/enabling the right prerequisites!


5 - Test the install

Restore your backed up ini files. Run a query on the sample cars textbase to ensure WPP is returning results as expected.

If you are installing on a 64 bit machine, you need to enable 32 bit applications on the relevant application pool as covered in this previous post called How to Install Webpublisher on 64-bit IIS 7.

6 - Be the star you know you are

You did it! Now cut out a cardboard star with safety scissors, pencil "STAR HACKER" on it, and get your mum to pin it to your chest, glitter optional. Salute yourself in the mirror. Star! Hacker!

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