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Genie’s MyGenie feature is a great way for a user to log in and view their active loans, reserves, orders and routed serials. But what if a library staff member wants the same at-a-glance snapshot of a borrower? Currently, the Genie Borrower full record display shows the Borrower’s contact information and the serials routed to them, but not their active loans, reserves or orders. However, with some additional entries in the MyReports.config file, you can create hyperlinks to bring up this information with a single click.

Genie_Borrower_Full_with_links Each hyperlink is essentially a pre-created search into the appropriate Genie module (loans, serials, orders and reserves) to find records for the selected borrower. It’s the same as going to that module and searching for that borrower, but reduced to a single click!

To add these links to your Genie Borrower full record display, open the MyReports.config file in a text editor such as Notepad++ (making a backup of your existing copy first, of course) and scroll to the BorrowerFull report. Add the following lines after all the other fields in the report:

<Field Display="&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;View More Information for this Borrower&lt;/b&gt;">%%Label</Field>

<Field Name="BorrID" Display="" Header="&lt;a href=&quot;reserves_report.aspx?TN=Reserves&amp;QY=find%20(ResStatus%20%3Dactive)%20and(ResBorrID%20ct%20" Footer=")&amp;MR=20&amp;NP=255&amp;RL=0&amp;DL=0&amp;CS=0&amp;AC=QBE_QUERY&quot;&gt;Active Reserves&lt;/a&gt;" />

<Field Name="BorrID" Display=" " Header="&lt;a href=&quot;loans_report.aspx?TN=Loans&amp;QY=find%20(LoanBorrID%20ct%20" Footer="%20not%20(LoanDateReturned%20%3D*)&amp;MR=20&amp;NP=255&amp;RL=0&amp;DL=0&amp;CS=0&amp;ReportName=LoansByBorrower&amp;AC=QBE_QUERY&quot;&gt;Active Loans&lt;/a&gt;" />

<Field Name="BorrID" Display=" " Header="&lt;a href=&quot;orders_report.aspx?TN=Orders&amp;QY=find%20(OrdStatus%20%3Dnew)%20and(OrdReqID%20ct%20" Footer=")&amp;MR=20&amp;NP=255&amp;RL=0&amp;DL=0&amp;CS=0&amp;AC=QBE_QUERY&quot;&gt;Active Orders&lt;/a&gt;" />

<Field Name="BorrName" Display=" " Header="&lt;a href=&quot;serials_report.aspx?TN=Serials&amp;QY=find%20(SerRouteList%20%3D" Footer=")&amp;MR=20&amp;NP=255&amp;RL=0&amp;DL=0&amp;CS=0&amp;AC=QBE_QUERY&amp;ReportName=SerialsRouteMaint&quot;&gt;Serial Routing Lists&lt;/a&gt;" />

The first line is a heading and the next four are each a canned query, using one of the Borrower fields (either BorrID or BorrName) as a parameter. Some of the queries include other parameters, like limiting reserves, loans and orders to active ones only, and specifying which Genie report to use to display the results.

If you prefer not to have each link open the results in a new browser window or tab, just remove


from each line.

The Serial Routing Lists link in the above duplicates the Manage routing lists for this borrower link that may already be present on the Borrower full display, so you may wish to disable that by setting ShowManageRouteListLink=”false” in the BorrowerFull report header.

Please feel free to contact us for assistance adding these lines to your Genie MyReports.config file, or customizing them further.

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