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The University Health Network (UHN), consisting of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, recently upgraded to Inmagic Genie.

Previously the patient and family library in each location managed its collection with separate DB/TextWorks databases and licenses. Only one database was available for searching through the intranet, with a simple interface.

Andornot merged data from these into a single shared, integrated Inmagic Genie system. Library staff in each location have web-based access to Genie, but continue to manage their own collections. UHN staff can now search across all the collections through the intranet. This merge reduces the effort to support library systems as there is now only a single system to maintain.

In addition to the search interfaces offered by Genie itself, Andornot also developed a separate interface specifically for volunteers in the libraries, to enable them to help patients and families with health resources in the libraries. This web interface is based on the Andornot Starter Kit and is available on computers in the libraries.

Public access to the collections is available as well, at

This interface is also based on the Andornot Starter Kit, with features such icons to indicate different types of materials, and book covers from Google to add visual appeal. To comply with UHN confidentiality and security policies, the public system runs on a separate server and instance of WebPublisher PRO. Only bibliographic information from the Genie Catalog is copied to the external server, ensuring patient information remains secure. The Andornot Data Extraction Utility and Inmagic Importer are used in this workflow, to move data from one server to the other automatically.


Contact us to take advantage of the efficiencies of a single, integrated library system such as Inmagic Genie.

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